Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Children Are Starving Please Help

Yesterday I received an email from Share Our Strength. This organization which helps starving American children asked me if I could place their widget here on this blog. I decided to do more than that. This is the perfect moment to educate American foodies about the plight of so many children here in the richest country in the world. Our kids are starving.

Here are the plain facts. !2 million kids will go hungry tonight in the US. Poor nutrition will lead to all sorts of ills from the common cold to infections along with obesity and mental health problems. America's starving children are also prone to problems at school from aggression to absenteeism. They have impaired cognitive functioning along with the diminished incapacity to learn. Most live in the South but there are some in our major cities that need our help. A lot come from single parent households as well. If the parent loses his or her job, that's it.

What can you do to help?Host a bake sale. You can combine this with a garage sale to draw in more customers. Or you can try your local schools from high school down to day care. Get your religious organization involved too. You could also buy the Great American Bake Sale ebook or post a Chipin widget on your banner or blog.

This is America, land of good and healthy foods. It's a shame that 12 million of our children won't be eating any. Do what you can to stop this problem. Do so today.

To host a bake sale go to

To buy the great American Bake Sale EBook

Post a Chipin widget

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