Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fun Foodie Gadgets

I love my Vidalia Chop Wizard. It's supposed to be for chopping onions and fruit but it"s also good at mincing hard boiled eggs for egg salad. it gets the egg pieces just right, small meaty bits that are what a good egg salad is all about. I'm not alone. other foodies go into raptures over other gadgets as well. These kitchen toys may look like fun but they're really a necessity. Besides they make the whole process fun and also time saving as well.

Another fun gadget are the Slurpee machines. these are great for the warm days just coming around . Pop in a few ice cubes and out comes ice chips ready to be drizzled with some kind of fruity syrup. These can also be used to make frosty margaritas as well. The Slurpee machine's cousin, the ice cream maker is another fun kitchen plaything. You can create all sorts of fantastic flavors as well as making your own fresh vanilla and chocolate ones.

Another fun gadget that foodies are now living are the salt grinders. Thanks to the increase in sea salt sales, these fun gadgets are in every kitchen. let's face it freshly ground salt tastes better than the plain iodized kind and it adds more crunch and texture than just the smaller grains. Pepper grinders are also big right now. There's nothing like the taste of freshly ground pepper in soups or even on roast beef or ham sandwiches. Like sea salt, it adds texture and a much needed zip you can't get with regular pepper.

OK , foodies, tell me what gadgets make your day. What do you like? Slicers? Melon ballers? Silicon bakeware (which really aren't gadgets). Let me know here.

1 comment:

  1. I get my pink haimalyan sea salt from http://www.sustainablesourcing.com/

    You can't beat the taste of sea salt, fresh ground.

    They also carry peppercorns!

    Another of my favorites from there is their Zen Cube. It's FANTASTIC grated over edamame!
