Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day To All Foodie Moms

Yep, tomorrow is Mother's Day and we should honor the lady that not only raised us but gave us our favorite dishes over the years. After all hers is the original comfort food.Whose brownies did wee need in times of heartbreak or distress? Whose chicken soup got us through cold and fever? Who's hamburgers and sandwiches gave us more joy after a day at the beach. Our mothers not only give us love but also good recipes.

I'd like to hear what you foodies have to say about your moms' cooking. What was the signature recipe that she gave to you or that you loved? Let me know here. I know what mine were. Any and every soup recipe (including the family's panne pesto one from Piedmont. , sauerbraten (again from t he family). Actually with my Mom it was every baked and cooked dish since my Mom and still is a master chef (not cook but chef).

To all you moms out there have a good day and let the father of your children or your children cook. You deserve a day off.

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