Friday, May 8, 2009

Free Fast Food Thanks To Oprah

Shame on you Ms. Winfrey!!!

You're aiding and abetting in Americans to eat badly!

My Mom and I were recently visiting the KFC in our town when we noticed an unusually long line at the counter. To be honest this particular fast food joint has always attracted crowd. We didn't think much of it. Except when half the town showed up after us.

What was going on? We soon found out that that paragon of good eating, Oprah Winfrey, was giving away free coupons to KFC on her website. OK, maybe she wanted to help those who didn't have jobs and I can see that. Maybe she wanted to help introduce chicken lovers to KFC's new healthier grilled chicken. I can understand why. (it is better for you). However I think she could have given out coupons for either fresh fruit or vegetables. She, who is right behind Michelle Obama on eating better and more organically. Wouldn't it make more sense to bring more tomatoes and grapes on America's table than fast food chicken and sides (luckily the sides weren't fried at all)? Oprah should have introduced more parents to creating more valuable eating habits. The chicken may have been grilled but it is still fast food.

Don't get me wrong. I love this new KFC's grilled chicken. It's much healthier than Popeye's (sorry about that, Popeye's) and has a juicy texture that even supermarket chicken doesn't have. I love the fact that you can get steamed corn, or seasoned rice as opposed to greasy fries or onion rings. Maybe the only down side is the biscuit but even that's good. Any KFC meal is good in a pinch to eat or if you want something other than the typical fast food hamburger fare.

However it is still fast food. Mass produced and quick cooked. Again I think Oprah should have thought this one out (Not unless there was a KFC tie in. I don't know. I 'm one of the few Americans who never watch her show). It would have been better if the health conscious Ms. W. had extolled the virtues of broccoli and apples and the joys of discovering Dole.

Then again, that's just me.

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