Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Time Means Diet Time

Now that the warmer weather is here it's time to shed the heavy clothing and with that those heavy pounds.The problem is changing over a calorie rich diet for lighter fare. Can it be done? Especially in time for bikini and shorts season? Yes, but it has to be done wisely.

The first items to be dropped are sodas. Nix Coke and Pepsi from your lunches and dinners and lose pounds fast. These are the worst culprits and they're more calorie rich than even a malted . Let's face it, how many times have we slogged through a hot, sticky day and sought solace with a supersized icy carbonated drink? As hard as it is, substitute with water or even iced tea. If you're looking for a caffeine buzz then try Fyxx Water. This is spring water with a jolt of the stuff added. This is good at lunchtime when you need something to keep you awake on a hot , sleepy afternoon. As healthy as they sound, some fruit juices are nothing but pure sugar.If you want to drink them, then cut them with water. My German cousins do this with apple juice and it's a really refreshing beverage, especially during the warmer months.

Snacking was always a must during the winter months. The problem is all those bowls of popcorn and Skittles added pounds. It's time to munch on fresh fruit such as strawberries or melon. If you want something salty and crunchy, then pick up a bag of Pirate's Booty or any veggie and soy based snacks. You can even make your own by drying peas or pepper slices in your oven. Add natural spices as opposed to salt for flavor. If you are craving regular snack foods like chips and pretzels, buy the baked and low sodium kind (although pretzels are low in calories to begin with)

If you want to look good for summer, it's time to get in shape now. Even if you make little changes to your daily diet you can still lose weight. Just watch what you eat and cut down on the tasty stuff. You'll see the pounds coming off.

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