Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Celebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day and it's a time to not only recognize our planet but remember her gifts to us. It's also a time to treat her right. After all she gives us harvests and we should repay her with kindness.

Earth Day is a good day to think about all those fruits and vegetables we've eaten over the years. So many farms nowadays are being sold and housing developments are springing up (at least here in Jersey. If there's one in your area support it. Buy your produce and garden supplies from it. There's nothing like the taste of fresh corn or apples or enjoying the treats that the farm's bakery and kitchen offers. Another idea is to write to your town council and push for a communal vegetable garden where everyone can pitch in and grow their own veggies and herbs. It's a great way to turn barren areas into green spots. It also keeps another ugly strip mall out of your neighborhood.

Another act of kindness is tidying up after yourself. Of course you can use old veggies and egg shells as compost. that's a given however remember to put all those plastic containers in your recycling bins. Remember to flatten your cereal and snack boxes too and put them out with your papers (throw the interior safety sealed bags in with the regular garbage). Don;t litter if you're on a picnic. it's tempting to just leave empty soda cans and sandwich wrappings in a pile some where but restrain yourself from doing this. Most parks and beaches now have recycling cans so use them. Don't dirty up whatever park and beachfront we have left.

This Earth Day treat Mother Earth as you would yourself - with care and concern. Don;t mess her . Above all thank her for all those years of good harvests that have made their way to your table.

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