Monday, July 7, 2008

Salad Days Are Here

Let's face it now that summer' s here , there's no need to slave away in a hot kitchen. This is supposed to be the time of easy living and easy cooking. Yet what to make for a hungry family? Salad - and not the dinky dieter's kind. Anyone can create a filling meal with greens , dressing and a few fun extras.

How does a great salad begin? With a good base of greens. Years ago iceberg lettuce was the base of choice. As our tastes improved, we found that everything from spinach to field greens could prove a worthy salad. Field greens are sometimes the best choice for a base because they're a meld of tastes and textures, The slightly nutty aftertaste will appeal to kids who sometimes don't like that "green" taste. For more adventurous kids have a base of spinach. This is packed with iron plus also tastes good. if you're making Caesar then go with romanine. This is a sturdy leaf and it holds up well with the heavy Caesar dressing and croutons.

NOW comes the fun part - the extras. If you want a dinner type salad then think about adding some freshly grilled chicken or salmon. This is an easy way of adding protein to your meal. If even this is too hot a chore for you then head to your supermarket's deli counter and pick up some freshly sliced London Broil. Another good choice is sliced ham which you can then shred and add to any salad. Chef salad is a wonderful variety of cheeses, meats and veggies. Add Italian cold cuts such as prosciutto and capacolla along with Provolone and mozzarella to a mixed salad. Toss in some broccoli , cauliflower and grape tomatoes and presto you've got a really filling dinner.Another hearty one is the famed salad nicoise. This beauty, eaten all through the Riviera during the ete is a tasty melange of salad, vegetables hard boiled eggs and tuna fish. You can serve this with crusty French bread or thin Piedmontese grissni bread sticks.

What kind of dressing should you use? Just a simple vinaigrette will work wonders. Remember it's one tablespoon vinegar to every three tablespoons of oil. If you want a fancier vinaigrette , add crushed raspberries, cherries, black berries or blueberries to a red or whine wine vinegar , let steep over night and mix the next day. This imparts a fruity taste to your salad. If you want a richer one , just mix one tablespoon of ketchup to three or four tablespoons mayo for an instant French dressing. You can also be creative and invent your own. Garnish your salad with either Chinese noodles or any chopped or slivered nuts.

This summer don t weigh yourself down by cooking hot meals. Make a satisfying salad that you will love to make and your family will love to eat. Enjoy the summer away from heavy , hard to make dinners. Lighten up the dinner table with a delicious, but filling salad!

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