Saturday, July 5, 2008

Popcorn That Great American Classic

Nothing beats a bowl of popcorn as a good snack. Yes, it's healthy for you being low in fat and high in fiber but it's just fun. Nothing complements a movie like a big old bowl of the stuff. It can be sweet, salty. buttery or just plain cheesy. Name me one person who doesn't like popcorn.

Surprisingly modern Americans aren't the only culture who love popcorn. There were traces of it from 4,000 years ago found in the famous bat caves of New Mexico. The Aztecs also used it in their religious rites. They incorporated it in their headdresses, garlands and statue decorations. Young maidens even did a "popcorn dance" wearing several lei like garlands of it. The ancient Peruvians also ate popcorn, but regarded it as a confection. The first Europeans were the Spanish and the great explorer Cortez had written about it. North American Indians brought it to the first Thanksgiving where the ears were slicked with oil and held over a fire. The Indians at e it straighttoff th e cob. The Colonists must have taken to it right away because popcorn and milk were soon added to their breakfast menus.

Jump ahead a few centuries and see popcorn vendors on every street in America. It was sold as a quick snack right up to the Great Depression. Theaters added it to their cincessionstands where it quickly became number one. Sales did slough off with the arrival of television. The microwave brought it back to it's current popularity thanks to it being made in a record 1.5 minute.

How does popcorn pop? By the water inside it vaporizes into steam. This and the starchy stuff used to nourish the corn embryo bursts through at temps around 400 degrees Farenheit. Thus we have our beloved snack. Unfortunately some kernals are prone to burning hence the reason for a few blackened or unpopped ones. You can repop popcorn again if you get a bad yield the first time around. If not just feed it to the birds outside.

The best thing about popcorn is that it's so absorbent to other tastes. You can coat it with caramel one night while the next sprinkle Parmesan on it. Some popcorn gourmands even put chili powder on it or a mix of Old Bay and onion powder. I guess I'm kind of old school in my tastes , preferring just plain old butter. It's rich but it's good. Luckily Target 's own brand Archer Farms makes a wonderful, old fashioned buttery tasting microwave corn. This is my favorite that's not only tasty but gurantees a full bag every time.

Popcorn is truly the American classic food. From the ancient Aztecs and Incas to modern US foodies it really is an important part of our diets.

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