Friday, May 9, 2008

A Host's Duties

Now that the outdoor party season is here it's time for foodies to take an active responsibility in their hosting duties. In other words don't let your guests leave too plastered. The blame for drunk driving goes back to where the alcohol was first served. In order to avoid this, rethink your drinks menu.

I realize that there are some people out there who will come to a party , toting enough liquor to float a battleship. Sadly enough you can't tell them when they've had too much. You'll only cause more trouble. Sometimes it's best to omit these people from your guest list and avoid any problems. However you as a host can also limit what you serve. There are plenty of non-alcoholic mixed beverages that can be created. Best of all they can have the same bells and whistles as regular cocktails.

A good base for any powerless punch is non alcoholic apple cider. I've found that this is a great substitute for champagne. Most grocery stores sell it and at low prices too, Pick up a few bottles and served chilled. The cider is fizzy enough that it can be used in toasts and mild enough so even a child can drink it. Another fun drink is a sparkler. This is where you can add any juice to ginger ale or to selter to create a bubbly, foamy fruit drink. If you want, add pineapple juice along with coconut to seltzer and then serve in plastic coconuts. You can also create slushy non alcoholic drinks using any ice maker.

Punches are always a good addition to any party. Mix a few bottles of soft cider with cranberry juice and a cup of pure lemon juice. You can float sliced apples on top.Another good mix is a strawberry lemonade combined with sparkling water. It's refreshing and fizzy all at the same time.

As a host you have to be responsible for what happens at your party. Keep alcohol to a minimum to prevent guests from getting into accidents or much worse. Serve non alcoholic cocktails. Your gusts will still have a good time - but without the danger.

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