Saturday, May 10, 2008

French Toast - The Perfect Mother's Day Treat

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and we'll all be treating that special lady in our life to something grand. Hopefully it will be a day at the spa or a shopping spree at her favorite store. However if you're set on the traditional, then consider breakfast in bed. It does have to be special but not fancy.

What comes under this category? French toast , otherwise known as pain perdu in France. French toast's origins started with French housewives using up stale, leftover bread and soaking it into a mix of egg and milk. It's a huge and easy to make treat in American households with it being the first "meal" a kid makes.

How you make it is up to you. I've had heated discussions with friends about what bread to use. Diners use the thick egg rich challah bread while some people are torn between regular bread and baguettes. Also the egg mixture can vary with adding a dash or orange juice or cinnamon for more flavor. Another debate is whether to use margarine or butter when frying it up. I prefer butter because of the richer taste.

Anyway you slice it , French toast is a great way to wake up Mom on her special day.

My Mom's French toast recipe
Beat 2 eggs .A dd a cup and a half with milk. Cut up a loaf of Italian or French bread into 1 inch thick slices, Dip slices of bread in a medium hot skillet. Serves two to three people. Have plenty of maple syrup, brandied maple syrup,jams or jellies on the ready.

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