Monday, November 11, 2024

Treating Our Veterans

 NO matter how this country turns out , we'll always have veterans to thank for our freedom. On this special day we should not only remember them but honor them. In fact this shouldn't be just for one day but for the entire year.

One way is by helping out any elderly veterans in your neighborhood. You can include them in your shopping trips - even make a fun day out of it by going for lunch or coffee. It not only helps them out with one chore but also occupies what could have been a long day. Another thank you could be shopping for them if the weather becomes too rainy or snowy.A home cooked meal wouldn't;t go amiss either. If you;re making a shepherd's pie then think about making a second smaller one if he or she is living alone.If it'sa couple then make a larger one. You could also try any other pie or casserole like lasagna or a baked macaroni and cheese.Any meal together would be nice too. If they have nowhere to go on Thanksgiving then put your veteran on the top of your guest list. Make sure they have a dinner to take home too.Include turkey and all the trimmings plus a slice of their favorite pie.

Some veterans have problems with shopping. benefits may be cut and there's no money. Donate to food pantries in your area. Ask your grocery stores to do the same if they can. Burger your local and favorite restaurants to offer half price days for service people. They can designate a day that veterans and their families can eat half price or buy one meal and get the second at half price.For younger veterans just coming home , give them and their spouses gift certificates not just to Restaurants but also grocery stores. These days fifty dollars  -even twenty-five dollars can be quite helpful. It can buy a few basics like eggs and milk.Thjnk a gift certificate to Wal-Mart or Lidl will go a a long way. Both not only have lower priced foods there's also clothes and hygiene basics they can buy. Giving them a gift certificate now could also mean them having a great Thanksgiving. They can splurge on a turkey or  a couple of their favorite pies. They can also save the gift certificate for Christmas or Hannukah and splurge on treats and sweets.

It's is Veteran's Day. Not only should we only those who fought but treat them with the utmost respect. They deserve it.

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