Monday, November 4, 2024

Comfort Food A Nocciola Sundae

 This is one of the most stressful elections in recent history.It;s no wonder that many are turning to comfort for  -well - comfort. For some it's large slices of cake or a big bowl of pasta. For others is a fun sundae that can make you forget the world outside. Nothing beats a nocciola sundae

I made one today as not only a good dessert after leftover Lidl gnocchi and sauce but also as a stress reliever for all the anxiety this presidential election is causing.

I couldn't resist the hazelnuts at Lidl. After I brought them home an idea formed in my head. Why not create a sweet similar to the much beloved Northern Italian treat.  It could be layered like a tin roof that famed sundae with a layer of salty Spanish peanuts then smothered in thick gooey fudge. why not create a more sophisitcated version?
One thing about hazelnuts they are little and hard to cut up.It can be done but carefully.

YOu can easily put them in a food processor or food chopper for a finer blend. It was then adding them to Oatly  oat milk vanilla ice cream.Then it's a good pour of Hershey's chocolate syrup.

The flavor of these three are so delicious. They are even better than the candy itself. I'm definitely going to make this again , possibly with chocolate ice cream the next time. I'm also planning on using the hazelnuts in holiday baking too.,

Yes, this is the time for comfort foods. This sundae is the perfect antidote for these stressful times. Make it,. sit back and just enjoy. Tune out the world with every bite.

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