Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kitchenscaping It's A Thing

 There's all these new culinary and kitchen related  trends thanks to social media platforms. Now there's a new one - kitchen scaping where people arrange everything in the kitchen so it looks magazine ready. Are they inspiring? There's the question.

Let's put it this way - my table isn't "scraped"

It is messy, full of bags of various snacks and tons of cups and glasses. There is space to chop and dip. There even a space for eating for one. One day this will be cleaned. Not now. Do I need to bring in a kitchen scraper? I don't know. I have more respect for kitchens that are messy and lived in. It means people actually cook here. They chop. Things squirt and squish here. There are sticky  drips. This is what a kitchen should be like,

Maybe the closest I have to a kitchenscape is my stove top.it is neat and I like how essentials, like my salt, olive oil and vinegar (and yes they're all from my favorite -  Lidl) are evenly aligned. I can easily reach for them whether I'm sauteing veggies for ratatouille or creating a cooling gazpacho. Will the rest of my kitchen - especially my fridge -  be scaped? Eventually.

Kitchenscaping. Yes it is a thing. If you have a pretty kitchen show it off. Yet the more interesting kitchen is always the messy one. It has a story to tell.

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