Saturday, September 7, 2024

Easy Vegan Meal

 Even vegans and vegetarians have busy lives. It's important to have a filling yet quick meal that works both on weekdays and weekends. That's where Tofurky comes in.Yes they created that holiday loaf but they've also branched out into other vegan foods. One is plant based Chick'n Thai Basil. This is an easy cook and tasty one too,

This was my Saturday supper. Their Thai Basil chicken is a slightly spiced faux chicken strips that just has to be quick sauteed in a skillet.

I like Tofurkey products. I've eaten their pepper turkey slices along with the loaf that goes into my oven every Thanksgiving and Christmas. This was going to be good.

These are "shreds" that have been dipped in basil flakes,along with red pepper and poblano pepper. The pepper flavor is mild with the basil being the more dominant flavor. These are sauteed in my favorite , three tablespoons of Lidl olive oil (you can use any kind).
Saute for two to three minutes on both sides and in six minutes you have a tasty chicken dish. I paired it with Lidl's jasmine rice. Their microwave rices only take ninety seconds to cook and it's a great base or side.
Together the chicken and rice were a filling meal. You could add some chili crisp to bring out the meat's spiciness.but's is delicious on its' own.
I really liked this and I'll be making it again.It 's a good weekend meal that's filling and cooks quick.

Tofurky's Thai Basil chicken paired with Lidl's jasmine rice is a great and easy cook.It only takes a few minutes to create a hot lunch or dinner. This is perfect for super busy vegans and non vegans alike

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