Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pasta Salad Days

 The weather is stifling hot. There's no way anyone wants to cook an elaborate meal in a hot kitchen.These are the salad days, whether they be tomato or pasta. They easy makes and easy eats.

One of my favorites is tomato salad

This is super simple. Just slice any kind of tomato.I like the larger San Marzano tomatoes or the beefsteaks. Since Drizzle olive oil on it. and then season with salt, pepper garlic cloves and otregano

These are the basics for any good summer salad. I like Lidl's olive oil the best along with their fresh pepper.Garlic is a must  along with oregano.

These also support a good pasta salad too. I used Wal-Mart's brand which is always a good buy.

Elbow macaroni is always a good buy for pasta salad. It;'sa quick boil in salted water. DO add salt or the macaroni will clump together.

 Now for the add in . I Sliced mini peppers and the San Marzano mini tomatoes leftover from Saturday night.

Slice them into bite size pieces.

You can add any Italian cold cut like sliced prosciutto, pepperoni or even both to add more weight to it.I like this salad for a dinner  on a very hot day.It's cool and refreshing while also being filling.Another plus is that it's even good a day later. This was dinner two nights in a row.

It's hot. Why cook? Boil up some pasta, slice some tomatoes, add some olive oil, and seasonings and voila - a meal! what an easy way to make a dinner during a heat wave!

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