Friday, June 14, 2024

Cat Food

 I's amazing what our little companions like and love as far as people food. Cats go crazy for salt and fat, dogs love peanut butter.It's amazing what they want when they see us eat.

My little Lucky, a handsome grey tuxedo cat loved his potato chips. These last years with him saw me always adding a bag to the shopping list. He loved any kind,. Walgreens Nice, LIdl's Lays Wise - anything. He'd meow and reach for it, swiping it out of my hand. I broke it into pieces and let him eat it. He relished each crunch . he was mad for chicken too, He loved the Acme's ends of the cold cuts as well as from Popeyes' When he was younger he ate baby food with my British short hair Shelby. He had a passion for Gerber's ham and turkey. He'd lick the spoon clean . This wasn't part of his normal diet . Cat's should not live on people food. Surprisingly enough they can eat a good variety of our veggies such as cucumbers and celery while it's safe to give them such fruits as melon and pumpkin. However my crew was more into fast food and any kind of deli meat I'd bring home. Healthy was not in their vocabulary. I did have to watch out for dishes made with garlic along with onions, both extremely toxic to cats.

Dogs too are big affectionados of our food. Peanut butter is at the top of the list along with ice cream. There are even recipes for how to make peanut butter dog biscuits and doggie ice cream. You can also buy these at any grocery store too. Yet dogs can eat a wider range of people food , more so than their feline counterparts. Just be careful of the salt and fat content which can play havoc with their health.Some dog parents make their own food for the canines in their lives.There are even cookbooks that can help. A basic recipe is rice with any kind of meat. Most home chefs use brown rice for its' healthy content. Ground turkey is not only flavorful but not filled with a lot of fat like other meats. Some dog parents also use lamb , for its;' mildness.You can add spicing like dried rosemary that wont't harm the doggie.Add frozen vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower along with peas for more nutrition and flavor.The turkey and the rice are cooked in six cups of water in a Dutch oven. The veggies are added when the mixture is simmering. Serve lukewarm or cool. it can store easily in the fridge.

Cats and dogs are such a big part of our lives.They also share a big part of our meals as well. Treat them to some yummy human food every now and then.

For my little Lucky

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