Friday, May 10, 2024

Sweet Treats For Mom

 With Mother's Day Sunday, it's time to think of tasty treat's she'll enjoy not just for the day but also for the week following. You could try your hand at making macarons to homemade fudge and peanut brittle it could have the fruit or the season or her favorite chocolate. Whatever you decide it'll be a sweet, memorable gift.

Moms adore fancy treats and sweets.If you;re good at bread making try brioche or croissants. The original brioche was puffy little rolls baked in individual tins with papers much in the same manner as cupcakes. Since they are a bread they will require yeast for rise along with six large eggs. These give them that classic golden yellow crumb and burnished bronze colored crust. You'll also need a stick and half of butter(preferably a good European one like Kerry Gold) for that rich flavor. As for flour stick with a regular one . You can make a whole wheat version of you want but the flavor won;t exactly be the same as the French ones. From there it;s just brushing the tops with an egg wash and baking. Croissants also have the yeast for rise along with plenty of butter.It;s basically creating layers by folding and rolling and then shaping into crescents. Macarons are another sweet Gallic treat made by using almond flour.  and both granulated and confectioner's sugar.The filling is usually buttercream but you can also do a jam one if you;d like ,especially if you;re making chocolate ones.

Candy is always a fun gift on Mother's Day.Instead of a box with the usual boring assortment. try making a pan of fudge. This is always a treat and it's so easy to make. It;'s just a blend of chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract. You can add walnuts or almonds if you want. For a bit of color throw in a handful of mini M&M's. A marshmallow fudge is another fun candy. Try Martha Stewart's that;s also made with real butter too. The addition of Kosher salt brings out the flavors too. peanut brittle may seem old fashioned but homemade brittle is a true treat's a combination of granular sugar mixed with corn syrup cooked into a sticky liquid. After the syrup is cooked for twenty minutes butter is added a long with the baking soda. This is what gives the candy that bubbly airy mouth feel. The peanuts are added last. Many home candy makers prefer unsalted but salted works just as well too. Break into pieces and put in a pretty tin for a lovely Mother's Day gift.

Mother's Day is all about tasty treats. Bake her something. Make her homemade candy. She'll appreciate anything.

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