Thursday, May 23, 2024

Just For Me

 Cooking for yourself can be blissful. There's no plethora of ingredients to chop dice or mince. There's only one person to satisfy - and best of all you can make whatever you like whenever you like.

Regular contributor Genvieve Ko wrote about this joy of cooking for self in yesterday's New York Times Food section.There's something soothing about being caught in the moment of making the perfect egg or sandwich. It's you alone in the  kitchen. Chef Ko offers tips to make cooking for one easy but delicious. First of all figure out what you like which should be easy.If you examine what you truly want , then it's less tempting to order in. The second question should be: whatever you make should be worth the time, energy and dollars.Even if you;re craving fries or something high end and fancy , then eat out. The recipes that make the most sense are the streamlined ones even if they're steak or scallops.For simple daily sustenance ask yourself if it;s worth having oatmeal for breakfast seven days a week or simple quesadillas once a week??C an you make stuffed mushrooms maybe twice every week without getting sick of them?It's also important to stock up when you can. Build a shopping list of your basics and choose the right quantity. Remember that even food on the verge of going bad can still be used  such as stir frying wilted lettuce.

Chef Ko offers three easy recipes that can easily be made and  two can be eaten the next night if you're not that hungry. One is curry roasted half chicken and peppers This is a sheet pan dinner in which half a chicken is rubbed with a homemade curry oil. Chopped peppers and onion are also tossed in it . Everything is spread over a parchment lined pan and roasted for about thirty-five minutes in a 400 degree Farenheit oven. You could squeeze lemon juice over it.Another is perfect for a Sunday brunch for one. It's basically using a biscuit cutter to make a hole in t the middle of a slice of challah or brioche and then plopping the egg into it.  Put the slice of cheddar n the other slice of whole  bread , Fry both in butter and then use them to sandwich bacon ro Taylor ham.There's also a tzatziki tuna salad perfect for a light lunch or dinner. THis is an easy make. Tzatziki can be made using Greek yogurt along with fresh dill, lemon juice and a minced garlic clove. Then it;s adding tuna in oil with yellow mustard and mix well. Serve on any kind of lettuce.

It's easy to cook for one.know what you like and cook with it.Every meal will be satisfying and delicious.

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