Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Light Supper

 Sometimes you don;t feel like eating a big dinner or supper. What do you eat then? A very light meal is always helpful.

As much as you want a  Ramen - which is good every now and then - you can always go with a fresh soup. It;s easy t create a veggie broth and then freeze it for the week. it starts with sauteing an onion and then adding tomatoes, green beans carrots, and garlic. it can be strained through a fine mesh to produce a clear broth . During the week add some pasta or rice to fill it out. Mini ravioli or tortellini can also be added too , just to vary it. A quick pasta is also a good and light meal. Nix the heavy tomato sauce and think pasta con burro, This is just pouring melted butter over pasta and then tossing it. A squirt of lemon would add some zing to it. A cold pasta salad would also work as a light dinner or supper. Stores like Acme sell turkey and ham chunks from their  deli counters. Add these to it along with grape tomatoes, olives, broccoli and cauliflower florets.Mix in olive oil, red wine vinegar and some oregano for a tasty dressing.

Eggs are also the perfect base for a light supper. The famed British chef Nigella Lawson is a big fan of these and has created several interesting ones. You could just have a simple one without anything added but you can also add interesting cheeses like cubes of Bries which would melt nicely or Gouda which would give the eggs a nicely salted flavor. You could also make the French classic omelet aux fine herbes. Add finely chopped parsley , chives and tarragon in in along with butter for a silky , smooth texture and rich buttery flavor. Scrambled eggs are also good too,. You can add  chopped tomatoes or shredded spinach or even leftover ham or bacon. Pile on buttered toast for a satisfying sandwich . Poached eggs or eggs Sunnyside up make for another easy light supper. This breakfast for dinner vibe is an easy cook and perfect with some buttered toast. Add a few slices of turkey bacon if you want something more substantial.

Too tired for a big meal? Then think a light supper or dinner after a hard day.It';s an easy cook and an easy eat.

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