Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Coptic Christmas Feast

 Tomorrow is Christmas in the Coptic Orthodox as well as in the Serbian. Ethiopian and Russian orthodox to name a few. It's a day to feast on lush dishes as well as observe centuries old traditions. 

This sect of the Orthodox Church observe the Julian calendar which predates the Gregorian one that most Christians follow.It actually starts with a fast from November 25th to January 6th and regards all products from animals. This is called the Holy Nativity Fast and it shows not only devotion but self control.At the mass before Christmas Day tonight a bread marked with twelve dots representing the apostles is presented at the church.It's called the qurban. After the fast is broken usually with the fatta -a light soup served with roasted bread vegetables and meat.iI;s usally made with  a lamb stock which can be acidic and also garlicky. There are also hardboiled eggs and cheese to eat too. This prepares families for he big feast on Christmas Day. This consists of roasted turkey or chicken and macaroni in a bechamel or white sauce There is a sesame cookie called kahk made with pistachios and honey alng with ghee or melted butter to give them a rich flavor.

Other Eastern Orthodox countries also observe January 7th Christmas. Serbians also have their take on the Christmas feast. They serve roast pork with either dried cherries or apricots or pecenica served with  sarma fermented cabbage rolls stuffed with  ground meat, rice, eggs and  old bread. They're cooled for twelve hours in a regular pot on the stove top or oven cooked in a clay pot .A fstive mimosa salad is also added to the table. This is kind of live a saovry trifle serve in a glass container so all can see its' layers.The first layer is usually a pickled fish  followed by a tier of cooked and chopped potatoes. Carrots and sliced green onions add another punch of flavor and color. It's topped with a thick layer of grated cheese and mayo. How is the meal finished? With platters of small cakes.  Serbian home bakers will make madarica or Hungarian Maids small layered cakes consisting of biscotti and caramel, They're topped with a rich layer of dark chocolate. Kids and adults alike will love peaches or breskvices  sandwich cookies that look exactly like the fruit. They're baked first, then hollowed out and filled with peach or apricot jam. The coloring comes from first dipping th ewhole cookie in diluted yellow food colring and then dipping the tops in diluted red food coloring. After they're rolled in granuated sugar.     

For those celebrating the Otthodox Christmas     , enjoy the feasts. Enjoy the foods and sweets with family and friends. RCoptic Orthodoxeflect on the day and what it means.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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