Friday, December 29, 2023

What's On Your New Year's Table

 A New Year means an open house. This is usually trays of nibbles to welcome in guests to celebrate a new calendar year. it could be nibbles .It could be a carved roast. Anything to go with a cheering drink.

What should be part of an open house table? Hors d'ouevres are your best bet. Any charcuterie or even a sea-cuterie platter works. Guests will appreciate little plates full of salami and shrimp along with slices of cheese and Italian and /or French bread.It's eating theor favorites without gorging too much. You can also have hot hors douevres. Mini sliders that involve meatballs on brioche or pretzel buns work well. They're fun bites that can be dipped into any kind of sauce from marinara to remoulade. Of course pigs in blankets are a must. You could add a layer of champagne mustard before cooking in an air fryer. Another idea is wrapping the dogs in a sharp cheddar or bacon.You could also sub in cut sausages for the hot dogs.Chicien wings also wouldn;t go amiss on an open house table..Include drumsticks for more variety along with dufferent dipping sauces.Vegans can also enjoy your open house table. Those beef and pork based franks can be replaced by plant based ones. Such companies as Alpha has  tasty nuggets in both regular and sizzling spicy. 

If you are planning a roast keep in mind that roasts, especially turkeys cna take anywhere from two and a half to five hours to roast. If you're planning on an open house starting at one PM,then  start getting the food prepared around seven AM(if you can. You can always schedule an early supper beginning at 3:30 to  4 PM if you're planning on celebrating New Year's Eve). Make sure you also have all the trimmings. Pre cut the stuffing in manageable small squares for easy carrying and eating. Yams can be cut into slices and crispy fried in the air fryer for a fun change.Instead of having a gravy boat and ladle which can get messy, opt for ramekins fill with gravy instead. Guests can delicately dip their rolls on them or pour the gravy over the turkey and stuffing. The same goes for a roast beef table. Have ramekins full of au jus and a thicker gtavy. A good accompaniment is a tray of homemade of Yorkshire puddings. These are perfect for holding both the meat and different gravies. As for greens try Brussels sprouts and onions roasted on  skewers,

An open house require not only good cheer but good food. There are several ways to go . Pick the one that works , whether hors douvres' or a carving table. Your guests will love both.

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