Saturday, December 23, 2023

Just Relax

 These next two days are going to be crazy for home chefs. It could be last minute cookie baking. It could be brining that turkey and ham for Monday's big feast. Right now just relax.

Don't fret if you're cookie baking tomorrow. Everyone loves cookies, even burnt ones. (and the black bottoms can be scraped off). If you want an easy way out then pick up a few rolls of Pillsbury's Slice and Bakes.Keep in mind that all the groceries are open tomorrow so if you need extra flour or sprinkles you can get them. Ask for help if the family are around. They'd be glad to help oout and even participate in sampling the doughs.

As for the dinner, relax, Sides are easy to make and they cna be created Monday after church. Again ask family to help with the cutting, shredding and whisking. All the roasts can just be popped into the oven and looked at every half hour.In that time you can do a crossword or sudoku. You cna take a long sip of wine or tea to relax. 

Don't let Christmas baking or cooking flummox you. Relax. Celebrate. Enjoy what you've made.It's bound to be delicious.

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