Monday, November 27, 2023

Party Planning Plans

 Now that's it's the Christmas season it's time to plan those party plans. Everythign has to be considered, wehter indoor or outdoor, dry or boozy vegan or non vegan.Then there are the guest lists, which are almost as complicated as those Christmas card lists. Who to invite on what night?

The first idea to consider is when to hav eit. Christmas and New Years are on a Monday this year. Hannukah is Thursday December 7th to December 15th. That leaves the weekend of the 9th and 10th for Hannukah  parties. Christmas . Kwanzaa occurs on December 26th and lasts til the New Year, January 1st. Now factor in office Christmas parties and school activities like Christmas concerts along with the usual gift and tree buying.  Ask yourself is a Saturday night do better or would a Sunday brunch be easier? Do you want a tree trimming party where there are just fun snacks like pizza cups and sausage rolls or are you looking to host a buffet, complete with two roasts and a variety of sides and desserts? Another question many party givers will be asking themselves should it be completely indoors or outdoors if the weather is somehwat warm.A great idea would be a hybrid with food and drink tables set up both in the yard and in the dining room.Keep in mind that December weather can be iffy so also have a Plan B in place.

Now comes the hard part. What to serve? Do you want it catered? Do you prefer a homemade or pot luck where guests bring their best and favorte dishes? Will it just be a cookie exchange kind of gathering? Will there be vegans who require a different kind of holiday menu? A combination of herbivore and carnivore? As every good host knows you have to make allowances for everyone.  A good rule of thumb is asking guests what they'd like. Some may prefer  hot wings and pizza rolls along with sushi and charcuterie platters. Other may suggest something easy like a big pot of chili where everyone can just grab a cup or bowl.  If there are kids invited, make sure you have all the allergies listed as well as their dislikes and likes. Nothing says an unhappy kid than one picking at a plate of "adult " food ( think caviar on toast or some kind of smelly cheese) . Have chicken nuggets , whether real or plant based  with a variety of dipping sauces along with sliders and pigs in the blankets. Little ones and even grown ups would get a kick out of an sundae bar too.

It's time to start on those party plans. Get ready. It's a lot fo prep work but worth it in the end.

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