Monday, November 6, 2023

Harvest Drinks

 One of the best aspects of the season is the drinks of the season. Thye can be chilled  for a refreshing sip or warmed for a chilly November day. Either way , they're alwys delcious.

Cider has been in the stores since September. One good thing about it is that it can be served hot or cold. Iced cider  is especially good at a tailgating party. It's a nice change up from soda. You could add some plain seltzer or cranberry flavored one for a fun  fizzy drink.Keep in mind that this apple drink also is the perfect base for a punch if you're thinking of having a party. Mix it with ginger ale and a splash of whiskey if you;re feeling daring.Add some apple and orange slices too for some zing.A thermos fo hot apple cider is always welcomed , whether at a fall picnic or football game. It's cooking it or even apple juice for a few minutes un a saucepan. Cinnamon sticks , cloves and orange peel are added for more flavor. You can serve directly into mugs or pour into a thermos. Hot cider, like its' cold counterpart, can also be used in a punch. Add some rum and orange slices to it.It's the perfect drink for a few friends hanging around the fire pit.

Surprisingly enough the other fruit of the season, the pear cna also be turned into a tasty cider. Not many stores  in the States actually carry it. This version of cider is more of a British drink called perry.  You can buy an alcoholic version. The Swedes have produced one called Kopparberg (and a six pack is only $3.49!!!)  However you can also make a non buzzy one .  what pears to use? Any but try to find ones low in sugar. Most use Barlett pears which are popular right now Take around ten  and combine them with about six to eight cups of water (the water should be two inches above the pears). Cook with one half cup of brown sugar cinnamon sticks and allspice. Also use whole cloves and a vanilla bean pod split open. (Don;t use vanilla extract for this). Bring to a boil and  cook uncovered for an hour. After this mash the pears  - which will be mushy  - and the cover th epot. Cook for another two hours. Strain the cider through a fine meshed metal sieve. Keep the pear mash for eating.It'll be like apple sauce. Serve the perry hot. if you want a punch with it, then add white wine, Calvados and pear slices for a different spin,

Try a cider made from the fall harvest. Both apple and pear versions are perfect for an autumn dinner or party. Try them for a different kind of drink.

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