Saturday, November 11, 2023

For The Veterans

 Today is Veteran's Day. We honor them only for one day yer we should honor our veterans  - no matte r their age -  all year round. It could be a simple meal or just taking them out for dinner.

If there are elderly  veterans in your family, include him or her in your dinner plans once or twice a week. They'll appreciate a hot homecooked meal. Make sure they bring home leftovers thatcan last them a day or two. If they're not coming , still make extra about  and bring it over . ANother idea is taking them food shopping. They'll not only be grateful fort eh ride over but will be grateful for the company. If there's a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks there,treat them to a coffee or a tea along with some sweet snack. It'll be  a nice afternoon out for both of you.If the veterans are young and have kids, ask to babysit the littel ones while they have a quiet dinner out. A nice gatitude  gift is a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant.

There are now veterans that are having homes built by Habitat For Humanity.. If these are your neighbors, then greet them warmly with a basket of food. You could arrange a  basket full of pasta, jarred sauces and  grated cheese.Another diea is having a basket of different fruits and vegetables forhealthy eating. Including whole wheat crackers amd maybe  gluten  free cookies. Also a lovely kitchen gift is always nice, whether they're dish towels ro even oven mitts. Also integrate them into neighborhood activities like barbecues and block parties to make them feel truly welcomed. Invlite them to go to local farmers markets with you or evne grocery shopping. 

Our veterans have given this country  their time, blood and sweat. Treat them well. They deserve it.

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