Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Make Your Own PSL

 Everyone is rushing to get that seasonal treat pumpkin spice latte even one from Starbucks can cost you close to six dollar.s Dunkin Donuts is half that.yet it still adds up. A better choice is creating your own. You can also dial up or dial back the spoice factor too.

Every flavored coffee starts off with a base of a good roast. You can easily buy what Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts or DD has to offer . Their blend of beans contain the perfect flavor not just for a latte but for other drinks like caramel and mocha too.As for the milk don;t use heavy cream or creamer. Any other milk, from cow, to soy and nut milks work just fine. How much to put in? That's up to you but the average is about one cup of milk to every cup of coffee.If you prefer a more coffee flavor then decrease to half a cup.If you like it milky , then increase to a quarter of a cup more.DON'T use evaporated milk, This is too sweet and maybe you could use it to make pumpkin spice fudge.It would turn an already sweet drink into liquid candy.

Some recipes call for actual pumpkin (!!!) to be added. This is up to you. Many home baristas use the same pumpkin puree that you'd use for pie.Just make sure you use PUREE and not pumpkin pie filling. The last is a bit watery and stringy to add. As for the star ingredient pumpkin pie spice , you can add a teaspoon. Do you want it already made or homemade? Try McCormicks' which has the perfect blend of the needed spices.  You can also make your own to use not only in lattes but for, waffles ,  cakes, icings and even roast veggies too. It's a mix of cinnamon, ground ginger, cloves , allspice and nutmeg. Take three tablespoons of cinnamon and mix in  two teaspoons of ground ginger and one and a half teaspoons of ground nutmeg. Add two teaspoons of mixed dried cloves and allspice to finish it off. Store in a clean jar in a cool, dry place . You cna finish your coffee with a big blob of whipped cream or add ice for a frappeccino. Dust with more pumpkin pie spice and enjoy.

Why go out and buy a cup when you can make a pumpkin spice latte at home? It's a tasty treat that cna be whipped up in seconds. Have it with your favorite cookies or just as a treat after dinner.

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