Saturday, September 2, 2023

LIttle Chefs Big Help

 The school year has or is just about t o start. While it's great to teach kids the language arts and STEM it is also good to teach them about humility and sharing.It makes for a better , more empathetic student.

What can kids do? Visit nursing homes and take part in food pantries. Some secular and religious schools do this, Kids can hang out and bring snacks like apple slices and carrot sticks to share with their elders.A fun idea is having students, whether, they're in kindergarten or high school also visit veteran homes.. Here they can listen to stories while sharing afternoon snacks. Inviting an elderly neighbor or veteran over to your house can also expand a child's experience.Ask your guest what they would like for dinner and dessert. Have your kids help in making both. Another idea is the kids helping yo create a meal or sweet for a shut in neightbor and go with you when you deliever the food. if you have older children then enlist them to go shopping for elderly neighbors and family memebers. It's a  great way of having them bond and learning about altruism.Older teens like sixteen and seventeen year olds can drive them to the sotres or even out to a restuarant for a saturdya or Sunday lunch.

Of course bake sales have always been a school staple. Kids should get involved in them as well. This is perfect for little bakers who love to create sweet treats.  Talk to their teachers to see if the class can "adopt" a charity in which they can fund raise. It could be an animal charity or for a family who is struggling. They can expand their repetoire by offering some savory treats as well. Think cheese or sausage breads or little pizzas that can be warmed in portable ovens. They could evne try their hands at such complicated recipes like croissant and brioche. The enire school can have a charity dinner or buffet with the proceeds go to a charity as well.  Middle school kids can help in cutting up veggies and measuring ingredients. The smaller ones can help in organizing the utensils, plates and napkins. Again kids of all ages can help in baking desserts like chocolate chip cookies and brownies.A great act f charity is also working at a food bank. Kids cna help in putting together packages for those in need. it teaches them not only about helping others but putting together nutritious ingredients for home cooked delicious meals.

Kids need to learn about empathy and kindness as much as they need to learn about the arts and sciences. emphasize the importance of giving to others by way of food.It'll make them more aware of the world aroudn them.

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