Friday, September 15, 2023

Honey For All Seasons

 Honey is a big part of Rosh Hashanah.Eating it represents a sweet new year .It's also a vital part of fall baking and cooking too. It has it's benefits as well along with having an earthy sweet flavor - the perfect addition to any recipe.

What exactly is honey? In rough terms bee vomit which is stockpiled in the hive in  a wax structure called a honeycomb. The bees regurgitate in the honeycombs' thousands of cells where it's then stored. The sweet's thick and viscous texture comes from water evaporation thus producing a type of syrup. Honey can be gotten from both wild and domesticated bee coloniest has many uses , including acting as a kind of antispeptic . YOu could use it on wounnds if there are no bandaids around. Sugar is known to have an osmotic effects, drawing water out of surrounding tissues.It also reduces swelling and encourages fluid from lymph nodes to heal the wound. However honey is best in different recipes and even some cocktails. What kind should you buy? There are eight varieties that can suit your needs. Most stores sell wildlfower honey which is a blend of different wildflowers to make it. This can be used in baking, especially apple recipes along with  -  surprisinly tomato sauce. The honey gives th e sauce a rich earthy sweetness that paired perfectly with the savory ingredients. Another popular honey is clover honey. This has a light , sweet taate that's perfect for baking, marinades or just adding to tea or oatmeal. There is also eucalyptus from Austrailia and orange blossom honey , another popular kind. 

Since it's the start of the Jewish New Year a honey cake recipe is the perfect recipe for the weekend. Try one that also has strong black tea along with cinnamon and nutmeg blended in for a unique flavor. Any kind of honey would work here but if you want it to give it a light flavor then go with the clover. A lovely fall treat are honey cupcakes with salted honey icing . You cna use fresh  honey from your local farm for both the cake and the frosting or one with some flavor like the orange blossom. Don;t use raw honey or it could liquify and ruin the texture of both. Honey cookies are an unusual but tasty treat to make. They have a light  flavor , perfect with tea or coffee .They'd also make a good addition to any fall brunch as well. Honey can also be an ingredient in apple pies too. Use it instead of sugar to sweeten. Again a light clover based one works well.  you could also create a healthy apple cake that uses the sweet instead of sugar. This is also the season for roasts , especially for ham. use a honey baked glaze rich also with fresh orange juice,  and brown sugar for one. Honey is an excellent glaze for chicken , especially Cornish hens,

Start the year off with honey. Begin autumn with a wide range of delicious honey's the perfect ingredient to try with both sweet and savory fall dishes.

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