Monday, September 25, 2023

A Good Lidl Haul

 LIdl is fast becoming a favorite of American shoppers. Not only do they have good prices but also good food on many unusual imported treats. It's a fun trip to see the stroes. You'll never know what you'll find.

I recently went to my local Lidl in Elmwood Park, new Jersey,. I was not impressed on my very first trip there but almost a year later that changed.I always lik their focaccia pizzas,. Those are great but that was it.,Now they have much more, very much like another German import Aldi. 

I fell for their frozen chestnut squash soup which when heated for five to six minutes transforms from chunks of frozen soup to a creamy potage. This is going to be first course for my Thanksgiving dinner. Their croissants are pure heaven, done correctly with crunchy layers and an airy middle. I bought apricot jam to go with them.

I'vve been into Greek olive oil recently,preferring its' rich flavor to the Italian variety. This was a steal for six dollars.This will b eperfectin for sauting the frozen veggie and potato mix I also  bought a margherita style frozen pizza.
Along with two packages of steamed veggies with potatoes.Lidl

has some excellent vegetarian and vegan choices, including their version of Impossible Meat.

Of course Lidl has some good sweets too. I could not resist their version of the classic fudge stripes and straight from Fmance macarons.

I definitely could not resist Diana's Chocolate Covered bananas.

This I will be buying over and over. My whole haul, including a big family box of Cheerios
was only forty bucks total!!!! I'm definitely holiday food shopping here!

If you want good and gourmet food for much less, then head to your local Lidl. You'll find some interesting foods that will enlarge your culinary palate. It's worth a trip.

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