Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sweet And Easy Desserts

 What do you finish a barbecue with? A sweet and easy dessert.There are many summery recipes that will be a nice end to those hot dogs and hamburgers, ribs and wings.

Grilled fruit is any easy cook and you can do it right on the grill. Pineapple works the best for this and it's just taking precut slices (which you can buy at your grocery). Brush both sides with melted butter and then sprinkle on brown sugar. Grill on both sides. If you want to make it fancy then add a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an updated version. pineapple sundae. Another easy idea is dipping strawberries in chocolate. It's a kind of chocolate fondue which can be made by just microwaving chocolate chips You don;t have to stick to fruit. Marshmallows, and pound cake squares are also good drenched in either milk or dark chocolate. Another idea is scoops of vanilla ice cream doused with brandy for a meat take on a classic ice cream sundae. if there are kids then think of an sundae bar. Have two or three flavors like chocolate, vanilla and strawberry along with chocolate and salted caramel sauces. Have two or three cans of whipped cream and a variety of fun toppings like nuts and mini M&Ms to top creations. You could have have flavored seltzer for those who want to make egg cream or ice cream sodas.

Another way to go is making iold fashioned ice box or ice cream cakes. Both are fun to make and eat. The most classic and most belived ice box cake is the Nabisco chocolate wafer one. This is creating two small stacks of the wafers layered with either Cool Whip or freshly made whipped creams. The stacks are put to gether to form a log and then it's chilled for anhour or two. decoate with crumbled eft over wafers or sprinkles if you're celebrating a birthday. You could also add a few drops of mint extract to the whipped cream for a fancier taste.Nabisco's Nilla wafers also make for a good base for ice box cakes. Try a layered one made with instanf vanilla pudding and strawberries. Add in some blueberries and bananas for extra flavor. Ice cream cakes are another simple dessert. it's just grinding up those wafers into fine crumbs and combining them with melted butter.It's then topping the layers with softened ice cream and any kind of sauce. Try an all chocolate one with layers of all kinds of chocolate. You could also do a chocolate and strawberry one or a butter pecan layered with vanilla wafers and salted caramel sauce.

Summer desserts are easy makesYou can try anything from grilled pineapple to a simple ice cream cake. They're just so perfect for ending a barbecue.

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