Friday, May 5, 2023

Celebration Weekend

 It is a weekend of pure celebration thanks to Cinco de Mayo, the Coronation and the Kentucky Derby. It is a weekend of fun food and fun activities. What will you be eating?

It's still the fifth of May. You can easily go to Moe's or Taco Bell for a quick burrito. You can also make tacos at home with a variety of fillings. You can easily create a beef, soy , shrimp or chicken filling with spices.Throw in chopped onions, tomatoes and peppers in. Add some shredded lettuce and cheedar cheese for more flavor. If you want a quick snack then think of guacamole and chips with maragartias to wash them down. Funny enough one of the coronation dishes is shrimp tacos with pineapple salsa. You can serve that tonight or for tomorrow's lunch. Tomrrow also brings thousands of American's waking up to the crowning o f a new king. Start with a fancy breakfast of mimosas and eggs Benedict.You could also go the British way  and have  a hearty English fry up one, loaded with bacon, sausage, baked beans , fried eggs , mushrooms and tomatoes. Serve with fried bread and a good strong cup of English breakfast tea.

The day ends with the famed and much loved Kentucky Derby.Of course you have to have a mint julip - a blend of bourbon with a simple syrup( a stove top cooked syrup of just granulated sugar and water) muddled first with eight or nine mint's made in a special cup that becomes frosted thansk to the ice added and sipped slowly through the crush iced. You can add a splash of bitters and an extra  mint leaf for decoration. What to eat? Freid chicken works but there are special Louisville dishes to make too. You can create a Hot Brown's an open faced hot turkey sandwich drenched in a Mornay sauce. This is where flour and butter are cooked to form a roue.Milk and Swiss cheese are added to it along with a pinch of nutmeg. it can be served with a slice of Roma tomato too. Burgoo, that tasty spicy version of Brunswick stew,a fiery mix of chicken, pork lima beans and potatoes. Cayenne pepper and barbecue sauce give it kick.

What will you celebrate? Cinco de Mayo? The coroation of Charles III or the Kentucky Derby. You have a range of food to party with.

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