Thursday, April 27, 2023

Doughnut Land

 LA is many things, Home of the stars and fancy restaurants. it's known for In and Out Burgers and taco trucks> It's also a mecca for doughnut shops too.

Regular contributor Tejal Rao wrote abouth Los Angeles dougnut culture in yesterday's New York Times Food section. There are several right now , all popular , all offeringa wide variety of textures and flavors

Holey Grail ,a Hawaiian onehas tropical influeces in theirs. Colorado Donuts have a old fashioned vibe but uses bright colpr and flavors to sell theirs. Newer generations like Mochi Dochi pull a aprt ones. like mobhi onesThere is even Alice Gu's movie Doughnut KIng which highlights the LAS pastry scene.

Doughnuts are fun. Imagine them in a glam setting like LA. They're even more fun.

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