Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Purim And Holi Treats

 There are so many delicious treats with two fun holidays, the Jewish Purim and Hindu Holi happening now. Both are fun , with the first having an almost carnival atmosphere and the second a joyous celebration. Enjoy them both with sweets and treats

Purim is the commemoration of the Jewish people being saved from annihilation at the decree of an ant- Jewish official of the Achaemenid Empire.There is wine drinking by the men in some Orthodox communitiues while the whole community share in games and treasts along with wearing costumes.Hamantaschen or Haman's pockets (named for the villain of the story, Haman a minister to the king of Persia).In Israel they're called oznei Haman. They're triangular cookies filled wirh a variety of different fillings.The cookie is like a shortbread dough, with flour ,eggs sugar and flour. it's a mild flavor won't over power the fillings. You could use poppy seeds which represent  the bribes that stuffed Haman's pocket. Apricot and prune are also popular fillings and some home bakers use chocolate now. There are also hadgi badah , am almond cardamon cookie that Iraqi Jews love. Borth African Jews love debla, strips of thin dough wrapped in the shape of a rose  and deep fried. They're covered in sugar syrup and nits and symbolize the megillah, the Book of Esther.

Holi is another joyous holiday starting tomorrow. It symbolizes the coming of Spring and the blossoming of love. It's also a time to forgive, play, laugh and mend broken relationships.People throw colored powders at each other in wild abandon as they enjoy both savory and sweet dishes. Hosts offer platters of gujiya, a sweet fried dumpling stuffed with milk solids, coconut and nuts. These can even be made in an air fryer, The dough is an easy make, consisting of flour clarified melted butter or ghee and water. Mawa is added and you can buy this at any Indian  supermarket or make it with ricotta and ghee. Add cardamon for a heavy sweet flavor along with raisins and nuts. Mix with powdered sugar  to create a kind of cannoli fuilling. Another type of dumpling , a lentil one is also served. This is dahi bhalla, which are dipped in a yogurt  dip. Two kinds of dal or mashed lentils are made . Chilis and peppercorn are added for zing , The dipping sauce is a mix of Greek yogurt with kashmiri chilli powder whuch gives th e yogurt a rich red color. Sugar and tamarind juice balance it out with sweetness.

Celebrate Purim and Holi with tasty bites.It;s a time for partying and eating good food. Try these treats for extra fun.

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