Saturday, March 11, 2023

Oscar Nibbles

 Tomorrow is Oscar night and that means parties. You can still have treats if it's just you and your TV set.Whether it's for a big party or a cozy sit on the couch ,bring on the bites.

Pizza in any form is always a fun nibble during this classic awards show. Make one with a different twist.Use Middle Eastern lavash bread  for a truly crispy crust. Two flat breads can fit n one large cookie pan.You can have one loaded with meat while the other can be pure veggie. If it's just yourself or another person, then think that kid classic English muffin pizzas. Again you can have fun with the toppings and put evertyhing on from anchovies to olives You can do the same with everything bagels too. For even crispier crusts and even quicker cooking use an air fryer. Both types can be baked in under a few minutes. You could also buy a bag of Totino's pizza rolls and air fry them for  a tasty hors d'ouevres.  Of course popcorn is de rigeur for this ultimate movie night. Your best bet is popping kernels in a Colonel Popper for a healthier pop. These can be popped in olive oil and then flavored with Kernel Season;s popcorn seasonings. This  brand is neat with all these different flavors. Try the movie corn one which os a blend of butter and salt along with their ranch.They also have caramel along with chocolate and sugar cookie for a sweet bite.

If you're having a party or just have a appetite, then think appetizers.PF Chang's has some interesting ones like their vegan egg rolls which come with a sweet duck suace and their Kung Pao cauliflower. These are perfect bites to watch as favorite movies and actors wins. If you want something a bit more sophisticated then then think spinach cups.These are puff pastry cups filled with a spinach -cream cheese and feta cheese mix, spiked up with sauteed onions, lemon zest and dill. Egg binds the filling together and gives it a custardy feel. These only take twenty -five minutes to bake up in muffin tins and the filling can be made well in advance.Serve these along air fryer crab cakes for a lovely sophisticated bite. Crabcakes are an easy make , using lump crab meat, egg for binding galric powder and chives Panko crumbs give them body and a golden hue when fried in an air fryer. Wash these down with a good champagne to celebrate. If you want something heartier, then think small French dip sandwiches with individual ramekins of gravy for guests. If it's just for you then, soak the sandwich  in a big bowl and enjoy.

Oscar night means Oscar nibbles. These can be  homey English muffin pizzas or sophisticated crab cakes.Make it a fun food night no matter what you serve.


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