Monday, February 20, 2023

Easing Into Lent

 With Lent comes sacrifice. Many swear off meat , dairy or sweets .This is their way of fasting which is good and mindful. However it can be a shock to the taste buds to give up beloved foods. There are ways to ease into it.

Luckily there has been an explosion of all sorts of vegan meats in the  last few years.It's easy to give up beef , poultry and even seafood. Gardein has been a leader in this and you can visit any grocery or Target to buy their products. Their hamburgers taste exactly like the real ones and they're even good grilled outdoors. They also have meatballs, which are perfect for subs or if you're thinking of making Swedish meatballs and egg noodles. The company also produces chicien nuggets  and thick crispy tenders. These are so much like chicken itself that KFC is even putting out Gardein nuggets in various locations.Try their fish filets which are beer battered along with fries ro their crab cakes. If you're also thinking about giving up egg then go to Just Egg. This a substitute , using mung beans to get that eggy flavor and rich beaten yolk yellow color. Make a scramble for the family using it and spinach. Add Morningstar Farm's soy bacon which can get as crisp as actual bacon when microwaved.Also incorporate more beans such as kidney and chickpea for protein boosts. Think more dishes with veggies and rice like stuffed cabbage or a filling ratatouille.

As extreme as it sounds giving up dairy is also doable for Lent. There are so many plant and nut milks out there. If the kids do have a nut alllergy then use soy or oat milk. Both work in many recipes calling for dairy along with satisfying an afterschool need for a glass fo chocolate milk. (in fact many of these milks also come in chocolate now and can be bought in small bottles or boxes for lunch boxes), Almond milk is a nice ,creamy alternative and can be bought in gallon containers. If you do cave in and want a treat remember there are non diary yogurts and ice creams to snack on. You may even like these so well that you'll be eating them after Lent has finished. As for butter , try Melt. This plant based spread tastes exactly like the real deal and can be used in eveything form baking to cooking to being spread on toast or bagels. Maybe the hardest Lenten sacrifuce is giving up sweets. This is where a push for a healthier diet comes in. Try an apple for dessert. You could slice it and then dip in cinnamon for something different. PIneapple cubes are another great meal ender along with being a good snack. Think about getting fruit cups like Aldi's pears in syrup which are light tasting or any fruit salad cup like Acme's Signature brand mixed fruit ones. As for candy, nuts can do the trick if you want a snack or popcorn. Raisins or Craisins are fun snackables that you can eat by the handful.

It's a good and mindful thing to have some sort of sacrifuce during this important time in the Christian calendar. However it's best to ease into this new diet .Use these sub for meat , daiiry and sweets tomake that time effortless.

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