Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Don't Give Up GIve This Lent

 Ash Wednesday signifies the start of Lent.For many it's giivng up favorite foods, namely sweets and snacks. Yeti nstead of giving up , why not give. It can be food ,it can be time to cook for those who are alone or can;t cook for themselves anymore. Givng up is good. Giving is better.

Sacrificing your time to make a hot lunch for an elderly neighbor is always good. There's nothing like a hot homemade soup and a sandwich. You can invite themover or make a container and bring it to their house or apartment to cook up. Include a salad and rolls for a heartier meal. The weather is hopefully going to improve aswe move towards Easter. it would be a perfect time for an early picnic, whether in the local park or even the backyard. Pack sandwiches and chips if they can have them (or grape tomatoes if you can find good ones) along with drinks for sunny lunch out. This is also the time for severe blizzards too. Make sure those that can't get to the stores are well stocked. Buy extra staples such as milk, eggs and butter along with soups and frozen dinners. Make sure they have plenty of water, juice coffee and tea too.If it's a neighbor you can easily run over with hot food and  eat with them. Have the kids shovel and salt their walks and driveways too. 

Another good act is sharing. As we all know food prices have gone through the roof. It's horrible for those who are just eking by. If you can buy them groceries. Some stores are featuring buy one or two get the third free. Take advantage of this. Some stories like Acme and Stop & Shop have these kind fo sales on sodas and water. deinitely take advantage of this and share the third carton.There are also occasional sales on bags of apples and oranges. Give these to friends and family with kids so the little ones can have nutritional snacks. Check to see of there are sales on more expensive ticket items like cold cuts and certain sweets. Buy two packages of coldcuts or if there's a rare sale on rotisserie chickens then get an extra for family and friends who are struggling. Also eveyone loves homemade food packages.There's nothing to creating an extra lasagna or casserole.Bake two loaves or bread or an extra batch of cookies Warmer days can be perfect for an cookout for everyone. Take them out to dinner or lunch too . Many places like Applebee's are offering free meals for kids , perfect for loved ones with little ones.

Don't give up this Lent. Give instead. Think of those who are food challenged or don;t have family or friends in their immeidate area. Give them your time and food.

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