Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The January Dilemma Fresh Frozen Or Canned

 Trying to eat healthy in January can be a hard deal. It;s not that we're surrounded by cakes and chips.It's that fresh fruit and veggies are slim picking this time of year. Yes you ca pick up eveyrhing but are they tasty enough? Would a canned or frozen version be better?

This is the problem for all home chefs in colder climes this time of year. Most produce are well past their harvest in the northern part of the US and Canada. Most of the veggies that were in full bloom during the summer are coming in from Mexico and Central America now. Tomatoes are one of these and though they're native to that area, the winter versions are not as red or as delicious as the ones coming from local area farms. It's tough to make a good salad with ones that are watery and bland tasting. You could buy sundried  tomatoes for a different taste but these can be too much after a while. That burst tomato sauce that usually tastes heavenly with the fresh grape variety but has a lesser flavor when the imported ones are used. The best bet is using canned like Muir Glen for any kind of sauce. As for broccoli it's growing in abundance in north central Florida. Luckily it's a veggie that's OK frozen. The frozen version is actually better for broccoli salads . Steaming it helps to improve the flavor . This also works for string beans too. Skip the canned versions and go straight for the frozen green beans.

Fruit is a bit harder.It's hard to find really good fruit now. There are apples which are coming in from Washington State right now. They're still harvested in the fall but put into a controlled setting to prevent rotting. That's why we still have such a variety to choose from. Grapes still are being harvested in southern California along with Mexico. The good thing about grapes is that they become raisins. If you're not happy with what your grocery has , then get a cannister of raisins. They're also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals plus they're high in iron.  Citrus has always been the "go to winter fruit". Definitely have more of them in your life.They're also good freshly juiced which you can use for a delicious , fresh drink or perfect in both savory and sweet dishes. The same goes for tangerines as well. Have plenty of these around too. What about those fany little bowls of strawberries and melons  that are seen gracing grocery shelves. Both are probably coming from Mexico and they 're OK if you want a low calorie snack. You could buy frozen strawberries but these are actually better in smoothies and desserts. As for the melon look to winter melons like casaba for a fresher bite.

A New Year's resolution is to eat healthy. It hard to do when it's January. yet you can find your helping of fruit and veggies for better eating.

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