Thursday, October 27, 2022

Brusnwick Stew Perfect for Fall

 A good stew on a chilly day is perfection. Abrunswich stew is even better than that.This American classic is making a big comeback - although to fans it enver really left.

Regu;ar contributor and famed chef wrote about it in yesterday's New York Times Food section. Brunswick stews origins are a mix if Indigenous, African and  European influences..American>tribes like the Assiniboine, from the Northern great Plains made soups and stews in  taut aninal skin covered holes in the ground. Whatever they could catch and forage went into the stew. Of course there were the other influences , possubly German.The name could come from Brusnwick County Virginia or Chef Kim's hometown of Brunswich Georgia. The recipes have been passed down from geneation to geneatiuon. There is even a Taste of brusnwick Festival, entering its' twenty-fufth year in Lawrenceville, Virginia, in Brusnwick COunty. This town, directly west ofNorfolk Virginia features Stewie, the festival's mascot, a smiley cast iron pot.He's filled with the Virginia trinity of tomatoes corn and butter beans.A ll five feet eight inces of him are along with fans are spreading the word about this tangy bite that also has chciken and catsup as its' ingredients. It was a favorite of Franklin d. Roosevelt and has fed many a Virginia hunter over the years.

What's in it? Chef Kimsgives the recipe.Tomatoes and potatoes figure heavily in it. It's the potatoes that give it a thickness that gives it's body.Most stews are made in large cauldrons, able to feed whole small towns.  Yellow onions are first cooked in a Dutch oven and then bay leaves,c elelry seeds and cayenne are added.Then there's the plum tomatoes, g ranulated sugar and worcester sauce. everything else is added afterwards. Use  peeled Yukon Gold potatoes and chicken stock followed by two pounds of skinnned chicken thighs along with fresh or frozen corn and lima beans. The original recipe calls for squirrel meat but this is not doable. The thighs should be cooked for at least one hour or until the chicken meat is soft and easily shreddable. Chef Kim suggests shredding the meat with two forks - although you don't have to. large chunks fo meat taste delicious here. Adjust the taste if you want with more salt, pepper, cayenne or sugar. Many serve Brunswick stew with cornbread but I can see it with rice or even polenta.

Brunswick stew is the perfect dish for fall. It's a mix of tangy and sweet , fiery and savory. Try this chillc haser for a different take on stew

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