Thursday, October 13, 2022

A Sip Of Peru Chicha Morada

 Th e colorful and interesting countyr of Peru is mostly known for its' ceviche, beef and chicken recipes. Yet there's a drink Peruvians cannot live without. It's a homeade brew and it's becoming everyone beverage of choice.

Regular contributor Christina Morales wrote about chicha morada in yesterday's New York Times Food section. It's like what sweet tea to Southerners. Chiccha morada is a homemade brew made of corn simmered with pineapples, limes and apples. Warm spices such as cinnamon and clover are then added the the brew is cooled overnight. The result is a flavorful deep purple colored fruit drink. Chef Erik Ramirez , owner and partner of LLama Inn in Williamsburg " Brooklyn calls it "Christmas on the beach". The spices are warming even though it's as refreshing as any lemon or orange ade. He simmers the drink for forty five minutes and then adds sugar and a squeeze of lime. The drink cna also be used in cocktails savory dishes  and desserts too. His most popular drink has a chicha morada base.Many Peruvian chefs have used it in one of their most famous cocktail, a pisco sour, a frothy mix of egg white, limes, pisco, a type of brandy and sugar.

The drink's origins are preColombian according to University of Texas sociologist Nino Bariola. there is evidence that it was served in precolonial times however it became veyr popular in the Nineteenth CenturyWriters and travellers of the time mentioned it.It was a part of everyday lives and even depicted in the paintings of artist Pancho Fierro. At that time people were also enjoying the drink's cousin mazamorra korada, especially in the capital city LIma. The last is a pudding version of chicha morada , thickened with potato flour. Both were featured in cookbooks in the 1960;s and also figure heavily in Peruvian festivals honoring the Senor delas Milagros, the Lord of Miracles held through out October. It's now being made into cady and fruit powders. Chef Jose Luis Chavez of Manhattan's Mission Ceviche uses the drink for a short rib glaze and has been experimenting with it and octopus. he plans on creating a dessert with it , in the shape of an ear of corn.

Chica morada may be the next big thing. It's a tasty drink that can be used in a number of dishes. The drink represents the best of Peru's harvest.

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