Monday, September 12, 2022

Pet Parent Recipes

 Our furbabies are everything to us.We fret and worry orver them>we wonder if thye're eating right and what we can do to make their diets better. One way is cooking for them.  This ensure that they're eating the right foods for better lives.

As any cat parent will tell you cats can be both finicky and demanding. They may love one brand of cat fodo that's bad for them while compeltely ignoring what's good for them. Feline "junk food" can have everything from ground fish bone to dyes. Cats are like kids. They love junk food  - both theirs and human! This unfortunately can lead to obesity on both sexes and bladder stone in toms or males. What can you do as their parent? Prepare dishes with  fresh healthy meats, Cats are carnivores and will run to cooked poultry , beef and fish.  You will need a lot of meat thoug. A chicken one requires five pounds of chicken thighs along with such vitamins as B complex and Vitamin E. Taurine is a must. It helps them, to maintain that keen eyesight they're known for. Taurine is also essential for heart and digestive help and is a must for pregnant mama kitties.  You can buy it on Amazxon or Chewy which has one of the largest selection of animal companion foods and items. Keep in mind to add the chicken livers and heart for a truly nutritious meal.  You can also add rice too. Grains are good for feline digestion. A HUGE reminder - keep garlic , onions and other alliums out of the recipes. These are deadly to cats. Their food doesn't need flavoring. They love that meat taste plain.

Dogs are a tad easier. They're not as fussy as cats and you can feed them almost anything. They do  need fat, carbohydrates and protein for a balanced diet. That means also adding eggs, grains and even veggies to the recipe. They also need calcium and fatty acids. Start with either white or brown rice (if you want a healthier  food)cooked with lean ground sirloin and hard boiled eggs mashed for more protein.  You can add some carrots too for variety. You can also create ground turkey and broccoli mixed with dried rosemary . Dogs can have some herbs such as rosemary ,peppermint, dill and turmeric. Homemade dog biscuits are another treat you can make for your pooch. Some companies like King Arthur  flour sells dig biscuit mix along with cute bone shaped molds. Their mix has beef broth and carrtos added or for a sweeter mix try pumpkin and apples (canines can have these fruits without any side effects). the biscuits are like homemade cookies as opposed to storebought ones. They come out bigger and wider. You can also make your own dough using one of fido's favorite foods peanut butter along with honey and whole wheat flour.

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