Friday, September 2, 2022

Give Security This September

 This is the start of National Hungr Awareness month. The figures rgarding thois are startling , especially in a country like the US. We're a powerhouse and yet much f our achool kids go to bed hungry. Our elderly,, and even our vets can't afford a decent nutritious meal,

We have to bring about change. It starts in little ways. Offer some of your garden harvest to neighbors who may not be able to afford even simple veggies and fruit. Give them what you can. and let them pick through your garden.  If you made a lot of tomato sauce from your beefsteaks and Roma tomatoes, then divvy out jars of them. Add pasta if you want to give them a complete meal. Your fruit bounty can go into pies and bars , treats that will be greatly appreciated. Since this is apple and the second raspberry season, invite them to go picking with you. Make it a fun day out with lunches and even games for the little ones.Pay for their share, saying it's nothing more than a gift.  A basket of apples can be put to good use, from making apple sauce and pies to just providing a healthy snack. What else can you do? Urge those farms to donate to food pantries as well as offering freebies to at least the kids.

Another section that can help out are the restaurants.New Jersey rocker Jon Bon Jovi had the right idea with his JBJ Soul Restaurant. This was the first of his many restaurants that let people pay what they could afford. They pitched in with cleaning up. This was perfect for those who wanted to feel good by enjoying a nice meal yet didn't have the funds to pay for it. We should be pushing our local restaurants, whether they be a chain like Applebee's or Olive Garden to our local mom and pop pizzarias and diners. Even one night of pay as you can helps. It gives family a chance to enjoy good fun along with give the eateries good press.The same can apply to bakeries with them offering free cupcakes or half priced birthday cakes to families in need.Convince those same eateries and bakeries to contribute to school breakfast and lunch programs.Many  districts are cutting funding and kids are in danger of not only losing the most important meal of the day but also lunch. This cannot happen.

This is the month to make sure those around you eat. We have enough starvation worldwide. Le;ts try to ease it on the homefront.

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