Saturday, August 27, 2022

It's Just You And The Kitchen

 This is the time of year when the nest empties out. The kids have either gone back to college or flown the nest in their first post graduate apartment. That means  the kitchen is yours again. It's time to have fun.

Many couples may feel that loneliness yet it's also a time to celebrate and discover. Remember the time when it was just you two, newly together. You had fun. You cooked for each other. If yo want to splurge and have lobster for dinner you did. if you wanted a candleight supper with champagne you arranged it. Now you can do it again. Treat youselves to a lush seafood dinner. Think shrimp kabobs on the grill or steaming crab legs. If you're into beef then then a juicy and buttery filet mignon on the barbecue. Serve with Hasselback potatoes which are those fancy sliced potatoes. with the kids away you can also put out all those stinky cheeses you loved and they hated. Imagine a charcuterie board full of Limburger and Camembert wedges. Now you can even experiment with Pont l"Eveque which smells like a mix fo barnyard and bacon and Robiola , an cheese with a strongly unique aroma.Kinds are also picky when it comes to unusual foods like escargot  or smails. Yet if you loved them when you first had your kitchen then get them again.

Having the kids around meant seeing homemade treats get gobbled up in seconds. Now with just two you can easily bake and have a batch of cookies or even a cake last for a week. Again, like with savory food, indulge youselves now. Bake a scratch chocolate cake with homemade fudge frosting. If a whole cake is rtoo much then think of a mini cake. It's easy to get the pan for it. You can also make all those 'icky" desserts thant the kids turned upt heir noses at . Try your hand at a pear galette or aquafaba meringues. Another plus about havinmg the kitchen to yourself is less clean up. There's not the big crowd anymore .There are no friends staying for dinner or coming over for snacks and games. You can leave  dinner dishes in the sink overnight and don't have to go crazy mopping the floor. (because those muddy feet are dirtying up their dorm rooms or apartment)There will be night when you'll be cooking for one or ordering in. Forgo the plates . Use them when the kids come or friends come over. Use the aurfryer and microwave more too.

It's just you and your kitchen, Enjoy this alone time. Celebrate it. Have fun cooking old recipes again and just baking for two.

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