Friday, July 22, 2022

Cool And Tasty Drinks

 This heat wave calls for cooling and fun drinks. They're frosty and fizzy - the perfect thirst quenchers  for these steamy days. They're easy to make and even easier to sip.

One of the most perfect temp lowing swigs is root beer. It's great just on it's own, served in a frosty mug. If you can, check out any of the remaining Stewart's in the New York metro area where you can buy a mug along with a tasty  hot dog, hamburger or side, . You can also buy a six pack of it at your local grocery store and bring it home for a frosty mug. How do you frost a mug? It's just the simple method of filling a mug or even a glass with ice cubes. Make sure they touch every part of the interior surface. Now add some cold water making sure it covers the entire inner portion(you can do this by tilting the mug or glass this way and that). Place the glass into the freezer for five to eight minutes,Fill with root beer and a straw. You can also do this with Stewart's grape or orange sodas too. Another root beer treat is the classic root bear float. What's the best brand and flavor for this? Many choose Breyer's for its' richness and creaminess . As for a vegan version, coconut milk based ice cream has the same creamy texture and flavor.It blends well with the root beer. To make it lux, add a shot of whipped cream and a maraschino cherry,

Another fizzy cold treat is the egg cream. This fountain and diner favorite originated in New York City in the 1880's and actually had raw egg in it!!!We drink the poorer version which has no eggs but still plenty of froth. What makes the perfect one? It starts with the syrup. Purists will insist on Fox's U-Bet syrup. What's the difference between it and the classic Hershey's one? Fox's U Bet has dried milk and real cocoa in their recipe. This results in a richer chocolate-y flavor than the other which is made up of cocoa, water and corn syrup. Hershey's works in a pinch.Any kind of milk, dairy and plant based works. The best seltzer to use comes from a syphon but the bottled kinds is also good. Even better is the flavored ones. Try a cherry or raspberry one for added oomph to the drink. It's like a liquid bonbon.  There is the vanilla variation which does take a little more work. The vanilla syrup is created by simmering water and sugar with a vanilla bean, The syrup is made first and then poured over the vanilla bean. The whole thing is steeped for a day before using. Since the syrup is thinner than the chocolate one, use half and half for a creamier , thicker drink.

It's blisteringly hot. Coo; down with a sweet fizzy drink, whether it's a mug of root beer ,a root beer float or an egg cream.Enjoy the iciness .

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