Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Planning The Holiday

 July Fourth is less than a week away and it's time to start planning your party. Do you want a full out barbecue or something more subtle? Think and plan about what you should buy .

Most people will go for hot dogs and hamburgers. This is classic and the easiest barbecue fare. You can change it up a bit by creating your own hamburgers. This is a simple mix of chopped beef and onions. This gives the patties a McDonald's vibe. You could add a drop of Worcester sauce for a more unami flavor. Keep in mind that these homemade burgers can be as thick or thin as you want. Vegan is another way to go. Beyond Burgers offers a tasty variation to the real thing. These are great grilled and guests can  have fun piling all sorts of fixings on them. Plant based hot dogs like the ones Field offers are another fun addition. These taste even better than the real thing. They're just good with a splash of barbecue sauce on a toasted bun. If you're going the traditional July 4th route remember to have both potato and macaroni salads. An easy potato salad can be made with canned potatoes , mayo and chopped celery. Add capers for taste and saltiness.Macaroni salads can be made with either mayo or a vinaigrette dressing. The last isn't as intense or as gloppy as the first. Use a  simple olive oil and red wine vinegar mix to let the pasta and veggies shine through. Finish the meal with slices of icy cold watermelon or s'mores.

You could  also have a more sublime celebration. Think a summer picnic in the backyard. A cold roasted chicken is always a nice touch , especially if it's served with a simple salad. This last could be a mixed greens and cherry tomatoes or sliced beefsteaks and red onions. Extras can be a sliced baguette to make a sandwich with the chicken along with a bowl of green and black olives. A simple ice box cake would be the perfect dessert. Think a pound cake layered with blackberries and whipped cream served with iced coffee. Grilled London Broil is another idea that would work well.It cooks up well on the grill and is even good cold. The perfect side is tomato salad, with different kind of tomatoes dressed in a spicy oil and vinegar mix.  You could also serve a green bean salad with this along with a chickpea one. These two can also be blended together  for a tasty new combo.As for dessert think a chocolate wafer log. This is taking Nabisco's classic wafers and mortaring them with Cool Whip or if you're ambitious homemade whipped cream. Decorate with shaved dark chocolate.

It's your party . Decide what you want. It could be an exuberant celebration or a sublime gathering. Just make it tasty and fun.

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