Tuesday, June 21, 2022

My Garden My Harvest

 It's more than exciting to have garden to table ingredients. There's something about heading out to the yard and picking the freshest veggies or herbs.  They elevate any recipe, bringing a bright freshness to the dish.

This is why I went crazy with buying veggies and herbs this past weekend. I have an old fashioned garden center located on the Paterson - Hawthorne  New Jersey border It  has everything from lovely hibiscus and roses to a cornucopia of veggies and herbs.

This wild looking creature is a tomato plant. I can't wait for it to fruit  and yield  yellow pear tomatoes.They looked like fun to grow and they were' different than the traditional red one. The taste will be tomato with a slight citrus-y tang. Definitely perfect for salads.

Every Northern Italian grows squash. The Piedmontese are known for their delicately battered and fried squash flowers. Yet there's also the plus of actual squash. It makes a great side, cut up in slices or coins and sauteed in a mix if garlic, butter and olive oil.
This regal gem is rosemary. It'll be great topping  focaccio bread along with being added to homemade tomato sauces.Rosemary adds a zingy earthy flavor to anything and it can also be sprinkled on pizza to enliven it and also added to viniagrette dressings for more flavor.

I love lavender., this pretty jewel pictured here. There's always a lavender soap or shampoo in my bath and my body mists have a lavender blend fragrance. Yes, you can use it for baking too. I may try my hand at making lavender shortbread fro a different kind of summer cookie. It can also be used to make tea with the buds being placed in a tea strainer. It's then put into hot water.

This kingly giant is mint. Mint is great for adding to tea.It can calm an upset stomach and soothe frazzled nerves. It's also perfect in savory recipes. It can be added to summer salads for a refreshing change or hot dishes like peas to give them some oomph. I 'm going to give pea mint dip a try for my summer barbecue. It'll go well with homemade pita chips.

This marigold is just wayyyyy too pretty to ignore. I love them in my garden. The ancient Romans used them instead of saffron to flavor dishes. I just think they're beautiful.

The garden will be bursting this summer. There's so much to try and use in yummy dishes, There will be a fresh flavor to all those classic recipes.

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