Friday, June 24, 2022

Food For Thought

 This blog has never really been political. It has criticized certain practices regarding how Americans eat and what they're being fed. That was it. Yet there's a need to speak out. Our country is regressing - and who knows what happens next.

I don't think the powers that be really thought about the future repercussions of overturning Roe v Wade. They might think it's a good thing saving all those lives - and in theory it is. Yet how are their mothers going to support then? Feeding them costs a fortune and the child starves if the money isn't there. There is the SNAP program which will ensure that kids can have nutritional meals.Let's hope their mothers qualify for them though. Teen age moms have very little hope of getting a good job along with an education that leads to a promising career. They won't and can't fulfill their dreams of that while taking care of a child. The pro lifers say these moms can always give up a child and have it placed in a better home. It will work for a few years when there is a need for them however a few years down the road adoptive parents will be choosy. In most cases they'll want a fair haired light skinned little one, one that doesn't have any physical or mental problems.  We will see orphanages spring up again if this overturning isn't challenged. These kids will have to be clothed and fed - and not just the gruel of that famous fictional orphan Oliver Twist.

If food has any place here it's in those pot luck fund raisers that Democrats need to hold. We need to create a large blue wave in the midterm elections. We need to get rid of the Republicans and their antiquated ideas about not just women but the Second Amendment. What we need to do is mobilize. Get the word out there, whether on social media or by foot. America needs to be a modern, progressive country , not one caught in a Sharia Christian type of law. if it requires protests, whether calm or violent to get our message across. No we , won;t resort to gum violence - that's for the other side - but there will be marches executed and op eds written. We will need fuel, that's true. That's where all those casseroles come in along with thermos of coffee and tea to revitalize us. Our strongest need is to turn this country back to what it was  with equal rights for all.We need to make this country safe for our kids and our women.

This is just the beginning of the fight. We need to challenge the Supreme Court. We need to impeach those justices who lied under oath. We need to restore this country to what it was.It is starving for equality. We need to feed that.

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