Thursday, June 2, 2022

Drag Time At Taco Bell

More and more businesses are fast becoming more aware and progressive. This definitely applies to Taco Bell and their drag brunches. it's a step in the right direction because it  encourages fun and dialogue about the L.G.B.T.Q. community,

Erik Piepenburg who contributes to all sections of The New York Times wrote about this new fun  phenomena in yesterday's paper's Food section. Yes, it's a fun experience (as anyone who has visited Greenwich Village's Lips will tell you) bu there's also a deeper meaning here too. The Taco bell Foundation, which primarily gives out scholarships is giving a grant to the It Gets Better Project  to expand work-force-readiness  resources to L.G.B.T.Q.  youth. Last year the chain also named the openly gay rapper Lil Nas as its'chief impact officer. Other chains are stepping up too. Burger King has promised to donate forty cents off of every order of it's Ch'King Sandwich to the Human Rights Campaign, an LG.B.T.Q. advocacy group. Many other eateries, especially those with New York roots like Shake Shack along with national chain Chipotle plan to donate percentages of their June proceeds to L.G.B.T.Q. organizations. This comes in the wake of such restrictive laws such as Florida's antiquated "Don't Say Gay" bill which forbids or limits discussions about gender and roles in the state's school systems.

Again, the country, which for the most part  is progressive but ti also needs to be open. Why not have some fun with this learning adventure. The Taco Bell Drag brunch fits this.It's a tour that starts off in Las Vegas and ends in CHicago.It's run by Oscar Quintero, a drag performer himself who goes by the name Kay Sedia (pronounced quesadilla -get it?) He is the tour's drag hostess and books local drag queens to perform through the various cities along the way.There's still the same Taco Bell breakfast.There's the breakfast burrito which diners can have in vegetable, bacon or sausage, hash browns and Cinnabon Delight doughnut holes.Unlike a regular meal at the popular eatery, there is drinking and with it comes drinking games. There is one where everyone takes a shot when they hear Taco Bell's signature bell dong.People love it, with one diner, Blake Hundley driving three hours from Dubuque Iowa to Chicago. He would do it again. Most would despite what legislation says. Hosting a drag party is not controversial.It's entertaining as many people celebrate their birthdays and other events at these shows.

Taco Bell may seem like the typical suburban eatery. Yet' it's as progressive city eateries.It celebrates incluisveness with fun food and fun entertainment

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