Saturday, May 7, 2022

Warming Up A Cool Derby Day

 Even though the temps say winter it's Spring and it's the first Saturday in May. That means it's the Kentucky Derby during a season that's unseasonably chilly. How to celebrate? With hot tasty Derby dishes.

Louisville right now is 62 degrees It's not exactly freezing there but it's not exactly warm. Most  of the country is unseasonably cold right now. It's the perfect time for a Hot Brown, the classic Louisville dish. This is a turkey bacon and cheese sandwich bathed in a piping hot cheese sauce. This is the perfect dish for a cold day. The sauce is a mix of cheddar and Parmesan but to give it more fire sub in pepperjack for that fiery kick. There's a pinch of nutmeg for more flavor but this can be hot pepper can be used to give a little more heat.Burgoo is another Kentucky recipe. This is a variation of Brunswick stew or boeuf Bourgignon and has a mix of pork beef and chicken in ir. These are cooked with okra,celery , bell peppers ,corm and onions. Smoky barbecue sauce is added along with a dash of hot sauce and garlic. You could add red pepper flakes for more bite. The same can be said of barbecue. This is pulled pork slow cooked in a mix of vinegar ,barbecue sauce and brown sugar. Add some hot pepper in there for warming heat.

The Derby is known for it's famed mint juleps. These are fine on a warm May day but you need something warming when that May day turns frosty. Think a cozy bourbon toddy. This is  mixing bourbon with hot water and honey.It's the perfect cure for a winter cold but it's also great to warm up too. Hot buttered bourbon is another toe warming drink. It's taking the Kentucky brew and mixing it with butter and apple cider. Warming spices such as cloves , cinnamon and ginger give it more fire as a dash of honey balances everything out. You could also give out cups of Kentucky coffee. This is the perfect marriage of coffee and bourbon.Like it's cousin,Irish coffee, it can be topped with a thick head of whipped cream. Sugar is added to sweeten it. Have it with slices of Kentucky transparent pie. This classic Bluegrass State dessert is sort of like chess pie except it doesn't have the cornmeal added.It is a blend of eggs mixed with white and brown sugar,heavy cream, melted butter and vanilla.

It's a chilly Derby day. Yet you can warm up with hot dishes and even hotter drinks to make you feel toasty inside and out.It'll make the day feel like a seasonable warm May day.

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