Monday, May 2, 2022

Luxury Eating For Mom

 Mother's Day is all about pampering and treating Mom to something special. Why not treat her to some luxurious meals from  breakfast to lunch to dinner. She'll appreciate not just the time and effort but also those special recipes.

The most commonly made Mother's Day meal is breakfast. Nothing beats breakfast in bed. Make it even more special than eggs Benedict. This is actually nothing more than a breakfast sandwich with Hollandaise on it. The great thing about this recipe is that it can be varied. The original one calls for one one or two slices of Canadian bacon to be layered with sunny side up eggs. However think how Mom would react if you subbed in small filet mignon for the ham for a truly lush Mother's Day treat. If; she's  big seafood lover then think a crab or lobster Benedict. The last requites lobster tails to be cooked and shredded.  You could also do a take on the Southern shrimp and grits breakfast by adding shrimp to the  recipe too. Another idea is French toast.Yes, you could whip up the traditional sweet recipe but what about a savory one that would work well with a Bloody Mary? This is swapping the cinnamon and sugar for pepper and eggs. The basic ingredients are the same,  - a dense chewy bread like a sour dough , dunked in an egg and milk batter.Any kind of shredded cheese is then added on top.If you like add a smear of tomato jelly and top with bacon strips.

Of course this could also work for a lush lunch, especially when it's topped with slices of paper thin prosciutto. Serve with a red wine spritzer, which is just red wine mixed with a seltzer for a different but elegant lunch or supper.Grilling is usually a Father's Day activity but Mom can also have grilled meat. If the filet mignon was too much for breakfast then think of it as a nice Sunday lunch or supper idea. Marinate in olive oil and rosemary for extra flavor. first before cooking . Serve on warmed French or Italian bread. Again grilled shrimp and lobster are perfect . The shrimp can be turned into tasty kabobs , layered with cherry tomatoes and small onions. The lobster can be cut in half and remove the green insides or tomally  and break off the claws. (These can also be grilled) Drizzle with oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper..What would go with this? Try a simple spinach salad with a lemon vinaigrette or a tomato salad that can be spooned onto crusty rolls. Quiches are also a nice lunch or supper. They're easy to make yet rich in flavor and texture. They can be the traditional or a lovely veggie one.

Mom deserves the best on her day. make it special with lush meals she's sure to enjoy. Celebrate her with luxurious recipes.

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