Monday, May 30, 2022

Good Deeds For Memorial Day

 Our US military forces should always be remembered. Today we do remember the sacrifices made from the Revolutionary War to the recent Afghan ones. However we should also remember out living vets as well.

For the older vets , a nice lunch out or even inviting them over for some sandwiches and iced tea would be appreciated. Spend the afternoon together chatting about all sorts of things. You could even treat him or her for a n ice cream in the park or a cold coffee , sipped at an outdoors cafe. Bring the kids along so they can hear the stories and appreciate what these service people have done to protect the country.

For newer, younger vets, offer to baby sit their kids so the couple can have a romantic date night out. Give them a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant and possibly tickets to a local concert or movie. Invite them over for a good meal and talk. Bake them a plate of cookies or a tray of cupcakes. Think nothing of making a few extra jars of homemade sauce. It's a small thank you for their sacrifices.

Our vets have given up and sacrificed so much for the good of the nation Let's remember them with big and small gestures not just for today , but for the entire year. It's time to honor their service.

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